decode(string input_text, format type_text) |
- input_text – This defines the input text string, which will be decoded.
- type_text – This defines the in which the input text we expect to be decoded.
---- 연령대별 집계후 더하기 ( age10 / age 20 ~ )
select sum(decode(result,'00',1)) as age00,
sum(decode(result,'10',1)) as age10,
sum(decode(result,'20',1)) as age20,
sum(decode(result,'30',1)) as age30,
sum(decode(result,'40',1)) as age40,
sum(decode(result,'50',1)) as age50,
sum(decode(result,'60',1)) as age60,
sum(decode(result,'70',1)) as age70,
sum(decode(result,'80',1)) as age80,
sum(decode(result,'90',1)) as age90,
sum(decode(result,'100',1)) as age100,
sum(decode(result,'NULL','1')) as ageNull
select case when (p.age >=1) and (p.age<10) then '00'
when (p.age >=10) and (p.age<20) then '10'
when (p.age >=20) and (p.age<30) then '20'
when (p.age >=30) and (p.age<40) then '30'
when (p.age >=40) and (p.age<50) then '40'
when (p.age >=50) and (p.age<60) then '50'
when (p.age >=60) and (p.age<70) then '60'
when (p.age >=70) and (p.age<80) then '70'
when (p.age >=80) and (p.age<90) then '80'
when (p.age >=99) and (p.age<100) then '90'
when (p.age <=100) then '100'
else 'NULL' end as result
from table1 u
left join
table2 p
on u.c1=p.c1
where u.c3 > 0
age00 |
age10 |
age20 |
age30 |
age40 |
age50 |
age60 |
age70 |
age80 |
age90 |
age100 |
agenull |
3 |
66 |
100 |
88 |
40 |
44 |
25 |
17 |
2 |
null |
0 |
50 |
-- 특정 버전별 (OS 버전별 구해서 sum)
select sum(decode(b.os_type||'|'||substring(b.os_version,1,2),'ios|10', 1)) as iOs10
,sum(decode(b.os_type||'|'||substring(b.os_version,1,2),'ios|11', 1)) as iOs11
,sum(decode(b.os_type||'|'||substring(b.os_version,1,2),'ios|12', 1)) as iOs12
,sum(decode(b.os_type||'|'||substring(b.os_version,1,2),'ios|13', 1)) as iOs13
,sum(decode(b.os_type||'|'||substring(b.os_version,1,2),'ios|14', 1)) as iOs14
,sum(decode(b.os_type||'|'||substring(b.os_version,1,2),'ios|15', 1)) as iOs15
from table1 a
left join
table2 b
on a.c1 = b.c1
where -- b.c2_date >= now() - interval '1 months'
a.c3 > 0
limit 1;
ios10 |
ios11 |
ios12 |
ios13 |
ios14 |
ios15 |
3 |
66 |
100 |
88 |
40 |
44 |
--이벤트 (코드별 type1~6,기타로 구분하기)
select, a.title, decode(b.ingrs,'INGRS-MATO','type1','INGRS-MAMI','type2','INGRS-LNB1','type3','INGRS-FAML','type4','INGRS-STOR','type5','INGRS-PUSH','type6','기타') as gubun, a.reg_date, count(1)
from familybox.table1 a, familybox.table2 b
where a.col1 = 'Y'
and a.col2 >= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'
and a.col3=b.col3
group by a.ed, a.title, b.ingrs, a.reg_date
order by a.reg_date, gubun asc;
id |
title |
gubun |
reg_date |
count |
12345 |
제목1 |
type1 |
2021-12-27 14:40:00 |
188,900 |
12345 |
제목1 |
type2 |
2021-12-27 14:41:00 |
50,000 |
12345 |
제목1 |
type3 |
2021-12-27 14:42:00 |
42,000 |