CTE ( Common Table Expression )을 통해 공통테이블 식을 사용해서 임시로 테이블 정의/재활용 ==> WITH문

with 테이블이름 as  (select ~ from ) select ~


with v1 as (

select eid as eid, atvy_type, ingrs as ingrs, count(*) as cnt1, count(distinct(key1)) as cnt2, 

       count(link_type)as cnt3

   from table1

   where 1=1

 group by eid, atvy_type, ingrs, link_type


 select v1.eid, e3.title, atvy_type, v1.ingrs,c.comn_cd_nm, v1.cnt1, cnt2, cnt3

  from v1 inner join table3 as e3

    on v1.eid=e3.eid

   left outer join table2 as c

   on v1.ingrs=c.comn_cd

order by 1,2,3,4;



v1을 생성해서 

v1결과값과 후행 테이블을 join 해서 결과값 출력



 c1 = 전체합계(null포함) , c2 = 중복제거 , c3 = 추가조건

eid title atvy_type ingrs comn_cd_nm cnt1 cnt2 cnt3
12345 제목1 AB-DATA TYPE1 메인 3 1 0
12345 제목1 AB-DATA TYPE2 상세 7 1 0
54321 제목2 AB-DATA TYP1 메인 3 2 1
54321 제목2 AB-DATA TYP3 상단 2 1 1





CTEReadme - PostgreSQL wiki

Usage Definition The WITH clause allows to define a table expression being valid within a same SELECT statement. The table expression is called "Common Table Expression"(CTE). The use case for CTE is similar to VIEW but it is more handy than VIEW. Unlike V



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